Monday, September 29, 2008


Today I had an absolutely phenomenal headache. It was like ten roosters were simultaneously trying to make as much noise as possible, but inside my head. Nausea, tiredness, stomachache: the works. All in all, I've had a pretty crap day. Has it ever bothered you that, even though you can barely talk or it sets off sirens inside your brain, on that one day you just want calmness, everyone decides to be hyper? Maybe it's just me. 

Anyway, I have yet to find out if anyone is actually reading this thing. So please, if you have been following it, even just as something you check occasionally, can you just comment? I feel like this is an effort made in vain, and I'd like to know if I should keep on trying to do this every day. Not meaning to sound like a whiny little baby or anything. Just asking.

I'll probably sound so stupid if it turns out that nobody's reading this.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Thoughts

I started off this morning by waking up and then promptly falling asleep again. I do that a lot, but if I even move my foot, I can never get back to sleep. You can imagine how hard it is just trying not to twitch because, if you do, it will send you straight into wakened mode. I also have really weird dreams. Here are a few:

I'm in Italy, but it's filled with French people who speak German.
A giant pizza comes to town, and I am in charge of making sure nobody eats it.
Four words: DVD's that come alive.

I either have an overactive imagination or my subconscious is trying to tell me something. Maybe I should write a new chapter based on French pizzas that come alive in my book. It could become a bestseller. Madame Pizza, I would call it. 

Any publishers reading?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Post Is The Hardest

Because more often that not, one never has anything to say. But that's really the cold,  hard truth about blogging, isn't it? Until people actually get to know you, until you begin to have people who actually care about what you're saying, there isn't much point in telling anybody about your day.

Unless,  of course, you think that someone might chance upon your blog, be it through StumbleUpon or random Google searches, and start to read it. It's quite a phenomenon- quite like the hundredth monkey theory in my opinion. People may sporadically look at your postings until that one person subscribes, and then BAM!

My friend, you have just become an internet celebrity.